Serious back problems usually cause constant pain and hinder your ability to work, making it very difficult to provide for yourself and your family. Social Security Disability benefits were created to provide a financial safety net for persons who cannot work because of a chronic condition. Winning benefits for persons suffering from back pain or any other chronic conditions is not easy, in fact, roughly 70 percent of applicants are denied Social Security Disability benefits during the initial application process. However, your chances of success greatly increase once you hire a lawyer.

At Ramos Law, we help Social Security Disability Claimants with many different kinds of back injuries and pain including:

  • Bulging disc injuries, including herniated discs, pinched nerves and bulging discs
  • Upper or lower back pain, leg pain, neck pain or other symptoms
  • Cervical spine impairment
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Herniated disc
  • Lumbar spine impairment
  • Severe back pain
  • Spinal meningitis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Unsuccessful back surgery

Social Security uses the Listings of Impairments manual as their “blue book” guide to determine whether a claimant meets or does not meet the Social Security Administration’s requirements for total disability. Disorders of the spine are listed under the category of impairments known as Musculoskeletal System – Medical Listing 1.04. Disorders of the spine include: herniated nucleus pulposus, spinal arachnoiditis, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, facet arthritis, and vertebral fracture, resulting in limitations because of distortion of the bony and ligamentous architecture of the spine and associated impingement on nerve roots (including the cauda equina) or spinal cord.

The following criteria have been established indicative of the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity, i.e., if one has a diagnosis of a disorder of the spine and one of the following, a finding of disabled under the Social Security Act is warranted:

  • Evidence of nerve root compression characterized by neuro-anatomic distribution of pain, limitation of motion of the spine, motor loss (atrophy with associated muscle weakness or muscle weakness) accompanied by sensory or reflex loss and, if there is involvement of the lower back, positive straight-leg raising test (sitting and supine).
  • Spinal arachnoiditis, confirmed by an operative note or pathology report of tissue biopsy, or by appropriate medically acceptable imaging, manifested by severe burning or painful dysesthesia, resulting in the need for changes in position or posture more than once every 2 hours.
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis resulting in pseudoclaudication, established by findings on appropriate medically acceptable imaging, manifested by chronic nonradicular pain and weakness, and resulting in inability to ambulate effectively.

At Ramos Law, we know how to use Social Security Disability laws to win benefits for our clients. Not only do we know how to use the law to your advantage, we win more for you because we put our heart into what we do.

For a free evaluation with a Connecticut or Massachusetts Social Security Lawyer, you can complete the form on the right side of the page or call toll free (860) 519-5242. Our office represents Social Security claimants throughout both states and has offices in Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA.

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